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  [丹麦shl建筑事务所] 在2015年赢得了位于上海市中心的 大型文化综合体 -- 沪西工人文化宫的国际设计竞赛。沪西工人文化宫,自1950年代起,已成为工会劳动者和当地居民休闲活动的地标。丹麦shl建筑事务所的设计,将在一片8公顷的公园中,规划包括剧院、艺术及展览空间等文化设施、体育设施、办公、商业空间,以及主要交通换乘枢纽。

  schmidt hammer lassen architects have won an international competition to design a new cultural home for the city of Shanghai, China. The project known as the West Shanghai Workers’ Cultural Palace, has been a popular destination for the city’s Labour Union workers and local community since the 1950s. schmidt hammer lassen architects’ new proposal will provide multiple cultural facilities including a theatre, cinema, art and exhibition spaces, as well as office, sports facilities, commercial space, and a major transport hub all within a new 8 hectare public park.


  Built in 1959, the original West Shanghai Worker’s Cultural Palace occupie a predominate site in the centre of Shanghai. Serving the union workers and local community as a popular cultural activity centre for the last five decades, the Palace could no longer cater for the growing urban population.

  schmidt hammer lassen architects’ scheme preserves and expands an existing park on the site. The design expands and transforms the park into an inviting 6-hectare public space around a central lake. Four multi-functional towers are placed along the lakeside sitting on an interlinked plinth of cultural functions.


  At lower levels, cultural and activity functions include a performance theatre, a training and education center plus art and exhibition spaces, all designed as open and transparent spaces. Public will have easy access to these facilities from the park and the main street. The higher levels in the towers will provide space for multi-functional cultural activities & house commercial offices. The building is also connected at basement levels, with transport links to two new subway stations, retail space and indoor sports facilities, including a sports hall and ice rink. Outdoor sports functions are spread around the park, creating a diverse and active urban public space for the local community.

  “这是一个关于公众、关于使用者的项目。”丹麦shl事务所合伙人Chris Hardie先生说,“在设计过程中,我们通过观察 公众对现有场地公共空间的使用,及与项目各方的不断积极讨论,规划出一个凝聚 文化、教育、商业、办公和公众设施等多种功能的 载体。我们的设计在满足大型文化功能设施需求的同时,扩大了公共绿地面积,并在沿街和公园内部设置了一系列开放和遮蔽式的灵活性空间。”

  “This project is all about people”, explains Chris Hardie, partner at schmidt hammer lassen. “At the beginning of the project we spent a lot of time on the existing site observing how the community and public used the existing park spaces around the lake. Through numerous discussion with the clients and consultants, we created a new mixed-use cultural destination providing multi-functional and public space for the city.”
  沪西工人文化宫是丹麦shl事务所目前在中国设计的众多大型项目之一。在上海,丹麦shl事务所正与 梦中心 业主合作,为其在 徐汇滨江西岸设计3座地标性的文化建筑;沿黄埔江南下不远处,shl事务所设计的25,000m²徐汇表演艺术中心已基本完成方案设计,而原2010世博会旧址中国馆旁的办公项目“绿谷”,在建成后将成为上海浦发银行的总部。shl事务所为宁波所设计的图书馆新馆在去年破土动工,事物所在宁波的另外两个大型项目123,000 m²的宁波日报集团总部大楼和100,000 m²的多功能文化综合体职工之家也都将在今年内完成结构封顶。

  业主 Client

  上海市总工会 Shanghai Labour Union

  上海普陀区政府 Shanghai Putuo District Government

  总建筑面积 Area


  竞赛 Competition

  2015年国际竞赛第一名 / 2015, 1st prize, international competition

  建筑师 Architect

  schmidt hammer lassen architects / 丹麦shl 建筑事务所

  项目团队 Team

  Chris Hardie, Morten Schmidt, Rong Lu, Claudius Lange, Rasmus Duong-Grunnet, Simon Hjalmar Persson, Lawrence Olivier-Mahadoo, Maria Vlagoidou, Liang Dong, Mo Yang, Zu Xinghua, Mathias Højfeldt Nielsen, Mads Bjerg Nørkjær, Beihong Mao

  上海办公室联络方式 Shanghai Office Contact :

  连娓镱 / Mavis Lian

  T: 021 - 3325 3327

  E: mli@shl.dk

  当地设计院 Local partner architect

  华东建筑设计研究院 / ECADI (EAST China Architectural Design &Research Institute)

  效果图制作 Visuals

  Beauty & the Bit, Madrid


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